Saturday, May 16, 2009

First Love

My 12 year old son wrote this recently for a class assignment and I felt it was worth sharing.

Disappointed By: Colin Sexton
Being disappointed happens to everyone. It’s a part of life and I am going to tell you about my most recent disappointment. It involved my closest friend Abbey LaTour and me. It all started when I asked a question:

"Will you please?” I asked. Begging her to answer my question I asked earlier. “Will you please go out with me?” “No, you have to be nice for a while.” Abbey replied with a smile on her face. She looked beautiful. She had long blondish hair, a thin body build. She had an outstanding and very strong personality of happiness, and a height that isn’t tall or short, normal. Her gleaming eyes almost knocked me off my feet.
This was happening on May twelfth, two thousand nine. We were outside during P.E. at school. We were friends who just got over a fight. She had a way of making me mad.

As I asked, “Will you pretty please go out with me?” I watched her beautiful blonde hair lightly move while the gentle breeze blew at the children outside.

“Colin, like I said, be nicer to me,” Abbey finally said. “Please for a little while?”

I was disappointed. I sighed and said, “Ok.” This was a rejection.

Just then I left school for the doctor’s office. I was told by another friend and her that if I was nicer to my dearest Abbey she would maybe go out with me. This really made my heart jump. I’ve never wanted a girl so badly. I…..I loved Abbey LaTour. When I got to the doctor’s office, I texted her asking, “Do you like me?”

“I don’t know.” She replied. I was thinking “Wow.” My brown shaggy hair was covering my disappointed face. I couldn’t stand not asking her why she said if I was nicer to her, she’d go out with me. So I asked her.

“Why do you not know if you don’t like me and yet you said if I was nicer you’d maybe go out with me?”
Once again I got a text message saying “I don’t know.”

I then decided to take a break from disappointment. So I stopped texting my beloved Abbey. It was a boring doctor’s appointment. I needed to ask her an important question. I had to ask. So I texted Abbey swiftly and slyly. “Will you please give me a chance and go out with me. Let me prove to you that I am nice and that I care for you more than anything.”

Once again, she disappointed me. “I don’t know Colin. I’m sorry.”

At that point in time I went home to change for soccer. I had to go to soccer at that point in time. Soccer was at the Peoria Park District so it was awhile before I could text again. When I did, I asked, “Why should I even try to get you?”

Her response was a little shaky. “If you wouldn’t try than you wouldn’t care.”

After that I went to bed. The next day at school I didn’t say anything about yesterday. I barely talked to her until gym. When I got home I barely texted her saying, “Please give me a chance.” Once again I was desperate.

She replied, “Colin I am not allowed to date anyone. You know that.”

I was devastated. So I replied this one message that made me jump inside my mind “What if I asked your parents. If they say ‘yes’ will you please go out with me?” Her response made me so mad, so sad.

“Probably not Colin. I don’t think you were very nice to me. Not before we got over the fight.”

I said something I meant with all my heart. I didn’t want to send the text, but it was coming out of my heart. “Than I give up. I won’t try anymore.”

It was a few hours before I sent, “We shouldn’t be friends. I’m done with you. You aren’t worth my time.”

That was the end of my relationship with Abbey LaTour. I am and was very disappointed. She was my child crush, but now I see the truth. Don’t go after blondes!


  1. made me think of the film "the little manhattan"

  2. Awwww :( I had to chuckle though when he said "She was my 'child' crush".

  3. I haven't seen the little manhattan, I'll have to check it out!

  4. I know, 'child' crush, he's so wise and mature at 12....I'll definitely have my hands full.
